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Wandering Bartender @ 21_21 Design Sight TOKYO;

curated by Issey Miyake, Naoto Fukusawa & Taku Satoh


In Collaboration with


21_21 Design Sight is founded by three designers; Issey Miyake, Taku Satoh, and Naoto Fukasawa. 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT was born as a venue to redirect our eyes to everyday things and events, and create various proposals and communicate numerous discoveries from the design point of view. 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT focuses on exhibitions and runs a diversified program that includes talks and workshops. 


Fixperts is all about problem-solving design and the collaboration between users and makers. They encourage people to feel that they can fix stuff and solve problems. With just design process applied to small fixing challenges, it can the potentially provide people the insight and confidence to find solutions for themselves and others.


If you are a nine to five salary man like I am, you’re probably very familiar with street food vendors nearby your office. At least that’s where me and all my colleagues buy our meals from. Fruit sellers, key makers, noodle shops, steak on wheels, you name it. I am very impressed by how they operate and move around with just simple structures. As I fervent drinker myself, I can’t help thinking how it would be to have a small bar that can just pop up anywhere stylishly, functional, compact and aesthetically not looking like those on Khaosan Road. So that’s what I try to explore.


In fact, the Wandering Bartender is me. I work fulltime as a designer almost 15 hours a day, 7 days a week. I desperately needed a non-design related hobby, and I found the art of mixology very creative and therapeutic. Let alone the fact that he might become an alcoholic, this bartender works very hard trying to balance the aspect of work and play. His dream is being able to combine his career as designer, art-director and part-time mixologist somehow in the future.


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